
Ubisoft ‘Shames’ Far Cry 6 Players Via Email For Giving Up On The Game

Game companies would obviously love it if gamers were to keep playing their games, but there are many reasons why gamers might end playing a game halfway. It might be boring, information technology might be too difficult, they might be too busy with their life, and then on. Even so, Ubisoft has embarked on a rather creative fashion to attempt and go gamers back.

According to gamers who have played Far Weep 6, it seems that Ubisoft is sending some of these gamers emails request them to come back to the game. Even so, information technology isn't your typical "We've missed you" kind of electronic mail, but rather it'southward an email written by the game's adversary, Anton Castillo, who is played past Breaking Bad's Giancarlo Esposito.

It basically hints at and shames the player for non being adept enough for spending as trivial fourth dimension as they did in Far Cry 6. Information technology thanks players for giving him free rein in Yara, and that "Surely you lot can do better than this". It is kind of funny and nosotros have to say that information technology is also rather creative how Ubisoft is trying to apply such a method into trying to rile players upward into getting back into the game.

Notwithstanding, some have suggested that this is actually kind of a poor marketing tactic and that essentially it ends upwards feeling like a spam email, simply what say you? Any Far Cry vi players out at that place feel that this electronic mail really convinced them to outset playing the game again?

Filed in . Read more almost Far Weep, Social Hit and Ubisoft. Source: techradar


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