
How To Set Default Theme In Wordpress

Every bit a new WordPress user, you lot must be excited about customizing your site. You may even have a mental picture of what your finished site must await like. A WordPress theme is a group of files (graphics, style sheets, and code) that dictates the overall appearance of your blog or website.

This article describes how to change or revert to the default WordPress theme. Y'all tin can change themes in WordPress using 2 methods.

  1. Using the WordPress administration dashboard.
  2. You can activate your WordPress theme from inside the database.

Quick steps:

Method ane: Using the WordPress administration dashboard.

  • Login to the WordPress admin dashboard
  • Go to Appearance »Themes
  • Click on the Activate push of the desired theme

Method 2: How to Change WordPress Theme Manually

  • Log in cPanel >> DATABASES section >> click phpMyAdmin.
  • Click the wp_options table. Past default, WordPress uses wp_ every bit the prefix for the table names
  • Locate template and stylesheet  so click Edit.
  • In the option_value text box, replace the current theme with the new theme proper noun that you want to apply.
  • Click Become. phpMyAdmin saves the changes in the table.

Using the WordPress assistants dashboard.

To exercise that, become to Advent »Themes from the left sidebar of the WordPress admin panel. Motility the mouse cursor over the theme you lot desire to utilize and so click on theActuate push button to change the WordPress theme.

How to Change WordPress Theme Manually

In some cases, WordPress admin area would exist inaccessible and you won't exist able to modify the theme using the in a higher place first method. So yous tin utilize phpMyAdmin to modify the WordPress database straight and change the active theme. This method allows you to inform WordPress which theme to apply.

To practice this, Connect to your website file using an FTP client/File manager and get to the /wp-content/themes/ folder.

You'll be able to see all the themes that are currently installed on your website. You tin also install a WordPress theme via FTP if you don't see it.

Now, log in to phpMyAdmin via cPanel and you lot will see a list of databases on the left side of the screen. Simply click on the database that y'all are using for your WordPress site.

Now click on the "wp_options" table and open it.  Past default, WordPress uses wp_ equally the prefix for the table names. However, it'southward possible to have a different database prefix, as shown in the to a higher place image.

 Locate the template andstylesheet rows on the right panel.

ClickEdit side by side to thetemplateentry.

Click on the Go button to relieve the changes. Next, go ahead and echo the same process for the "stylesheet" row.

After making changes to both the rows, you tin can go to your website to meet the new theme in activeness.


Congratulations! You have learned how to revert to the default theme in WordPress

If the steps above listed in this article do not resolve your consequence, please feel free to open up a support ticketand we'd be happy to accept a look.

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